
milk yield中文是什么意思

  • 产奶量
  • 产乳量



  • 例句与用法
  • As milk yield is not yet established, the demands are low and body reserves are at their highest .
  • Results showed that there were an obvious relationship among abomasum diseases with raising management , parities , milk yield , and onset period
  • The positive impact of canadian genetics is evident from an analysis of dhi data , which shows an average of 163 kg . milk yield advantage for daughters from canadian sires
  • We demonstrate this feed additive has posed a significant effectiveness to improve milk yield and quality , which is free of drug residues such as antibiotics etc . in dairy products after various breeding trials
  • For milking cows they would add some protein supplement . we almost gave up because the price of protein supplement increased rapidly , but the price of milk remained the same , and the milk yield of our cows was low . jiang says
    姜秀秀偶尔会这样抱怨: “由于奶牛饲料价格上涨过快,牛奶价格保持不变,加上奶牛生产性能不太高,这奶牛真是无法养下去了。 ”
  • Increase milk yield improve milk quality to insure higher milk production and prevent breast diseases such as mastitis , feeders , for yeas , have kept feed pumped full of some chemicals such as antibiotics and hormones during cows and goats breeding
  • Through their advice and training efforts , canadian dairy production technology and canadian dairy genetics are receiving widespread acceptance throughout the country . milk yield is improving at a very acceptable rate and milk consumption is increasing to the point where demand exceeds supply
  • In an effort to support dairy development in villages where the average number of milking cows per household is four , the concept of milking centres has been introduced . this system is geared to improving milk yield and also the quality and safety of all milk and milk products with the end result being increased revenue for the individual household
  • With the rapid development of dairy industry in hohhot , the total milk yield , dairy products , and the average quantity of milk consumed by urban residents in hohhot has reached the first place in china . dairy industry is becoming a main local financial resource , which bring along the increase of dairy farmer ' s income
  • 推荐英语阅读
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